Prayers continue for the return of Moti brothers

Residents from all faiths and not only in Polokwane, but also further afield have joined in prayer for the safe return of the Moti brothers.

POLOKWANE – This is certainly a time for prayer.

These are the words of well-known Nirvana resident and community leader Solly Hassan, who encouraged the public, irrespective of race, colour or creed to join the Muslim community in their prayers for the safe return of the Moti brothers.

Earlier, a WhatsApp message called for the Muslim community in general to fast in lieu of Zidan (6), Zayyad  (11), Alaan (13) and Zia (15) Moti who were kidnapped last Wednesday. The message was received by people all over South Africa and even from those across our borders. On Monday the community of Nirvana joined Muslim communities globally in a day of fasting and prayer.

Hassan explained that through prayer, communities can combine their strengths to overcome any trial or tribulation. “We fast to pray to Allah to be merciful and also ask that the Lord Almighty ensures the safe return the children.”

Polokwane residents gather to pray for Moti family

He reiterated that Nirvana is a closely-knit community that really cares for each other and the pain felt by one of the residents or families is felt by the whole community.

“Our motto has always been ‘my brother and sister’s pain is my pain.” 

The Hindu community will also raise their voices in prayer for the safe return of the brothers. Through a Zoom meet, the Hindu community will today (October 26) recite the Hanuman Chalisa from 20:00-20:30 calling for the safe return of Nizan and Shakira Moti’s sons.

This evening session will be repeated on Thursday and Saturday, and residents from all religious groups are encouraged to continue their prayers

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