Moti kidnapping a top priority, says police minister

A multi-approach national task team has been assembled and progress has been made, Police Minister Bheki Cele assured the country on Monday.

POLOKWANE – Police Minister Bheki Cele said that the investigation into the kidnapping of the Moti brothers has been given top priority.

In a briefing on Monday, Cele explained that a multi-approach task team led by the national police commissioner together with various provincial structures and community stakeholders are utilising all technological resources available to solve the case.

“This is no doubt a difficult case, but leads have been followed-up on and progress has been made.”

He added that up to this point and according to the latest reports he is hopeful that the police will find the four brothers. He stated that the investigation is of utmost importance and the team is working on this case around the clock.

It has now been almost a week since Zidan (6), Zayyad (11), Alaan (13) and Zia (15) were abducted while on their way to school

Messages of sympathy and support for the Moti family have streamed in on social media and communities nationwide have started prayer groups calling for the safe return of the brothers.

Last week, Limpopo Premier Stanley Chupu Mathabatha visited the Moti family accompanied by the MECs for Safety and that of Social Development. He reiterated that law enforcement will ensure that no stone will be left unturned in bringing the perpetrators to book.

Anyone with information or CCTV footage is urged to contact their nearest police station or Capt Rasedile on 082 565 8566.

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