Local NewsNews

Resident: ‘Is the muni waiting for something bad to happen?’

A resident complained about an open transformer box on Morris Street and this is what the Polokwane Municipality said:

POLOKWANE – All electrical transformers should be locked.

If not, the equipment had either been vandalised or the locks stolen, and residents can then report this to the municipality’s energy call centre.

Municipal spokesperson Thipa Selala gave this advice after a resident complained about an open transformer box on Morris Street.

The resident says the transformer can pose a danger to children in the area considering that it is a residential part of town.

“Is the municipality waiting for something bad to happen? Do they want to see our children hurt because they are bound to be inquisitive and try to see what goes on inside the transformer.”

The resident says he tried to report the complaint to the municipality but is still awaiting feedback.

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