Round Tablers reach out to Our Home/Ons Tuiste

The institution was the first beneficiary of the Garth Owens Fund.

POLOKWANE – Last Tuesday’s board meeting of Our Home/Ons Tuiste was a special one.

A deputation from Round Table Impala 157 and Round Table Pietersburg 22 attended the meeting to hand over R10 000 to the management for use at the frail care unit.

Tabler Johann Prinsloo explained that Garth Owens was a well-known pharmacist who owned a pharmacy in Polokwane. He was also a member of Round Table for quite a number of years where he dedicated a lot of his time as philanthropist. After he passed on earlier this year, the family established the Garth Owens Fund in conjunction with Round Table.

“It was agreed that Round Table will manage and assist in raising money for the initiative and that the money will be distributed to persons in need of medicine or people in frail care. Thus far an amount of R10 000 has been raised and we chose Our Home/Ons Tuiste to be the first beneficiary of the fund,” Prinsloo said and added that it was suggested that the money should be used to buy medicine and equipment for the frail care unit as needed.

Our Home/Ons Tuiste board chairperson Richard Mounsear-Wilson thanked Round Table and said there are a number of patients in the frail care unit who are subsidised by the institution.

He added that contributions from businesses and the public make it possible to sustain the operations of the unit.

“Round Table has always been a keen supporter of the institution and we really appreciate their sustained support,” Mounsear-Wilson said.

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