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Associations to the rescue amid nationwide looting

Various associations in the city and surrounding areas vowed that no shops will be looted under their watch.

Various association on Monday, July 12, made a call on residents in Limpopo to not engage in protests that would lead to any kind of looting, as they stated that there would be consequences to face.

President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the nation on Monday evening, following mass unrest and looting across KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. He warned that riots and looting will have a devastating impact on South Africa’s already crippled economy.

Business associations

Spokesperson of the Central Business District Business Association (CBDBA) Ali Salman, has vowed that the association will not let any shop get looted under their watch. The association has divided itself into teams that include members of the Seshego Polokwane Taxi Association and the Mankweng Taxi Association to monitor and patrol the streets during the day.

That same evening, the chairperson of the association Hamid Salman issued a statement urging mall managers to beef up security around their areas as they had received apparent information that some protestors had plans to loot the malls overnight. The next morning however, no reports of looting had surfaced. Salman and his team continued to patrol the streets along with the police and the local Community Policing Forum.

Taxi associations

Taxi associations in Seshego and Mankweng’s members say there will be zero tolerance for looting of shops, malls and stores in Polokwane and surrounding areas.

Deputy president of the Seshego Taxi Association, Slash Machaka also spoke to Polokwane Observer saying they were ready to defend the city from anyone who plans on inciting violence.

“During times like these it is important to remain peaceful and stand our ground. We refuse to be part of the problem by looting and damaging our own economy. The taxi association has availed itself to the city and we will remain vigilant for as long as we need to. Anyone who feels unsafe can contact us at any time and we will keep them safe. All suspicious gatherings or movement should be reported to the police. The Seshego Polokwane Taxi Association has taken a stand and we will not allow anyone to burn our home.”

The Seshego Taxi Association’s operations manager, Bricks Mashilo, told Polokwane Observer that they will not tolerate any looting in Limpopo as many lives and businesses will be compromised and put at risk.

“We eagerly and patiently await any movement and are on stand-by for anyone who tries to join or form any groups of looting. We cannot have our people go up against their own and also have them plan to destroy our province like they did in Johannesburg and KwaZulu-Natal. It was said it all started because of [Jacob] Zuma, but we know that some just join as opportunists to steal whatever they can. If anyone tries to stop taxis from operating, we will sort them out very quickly. They must not jeopardise our jobs and businesses, because people have families to feed. We say no to looting in Limpopo,” Mashilo emphasised.

The Mankweng Taxi Association’s public relations officer, Frans Kgasago, added that they will also not allow any sort of looting in the province.

“We are protective over our businesses. If anyone gets involved in any form of looting, we will deal with you and take you to the police. No malls and shops of ours will be burned down or destroyed on our watch. We are ready for anyone who tries to get involved in any looting. No one should even attempt to loot, because it won’t end well for them,” Kgasago said.

He added that if necessary, all taxi owners, drivers and management teams will come together to fight looting, before it gets out of hand.

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