Alternative ways to report noise pollution

DA councillor in the Polokwane Municipality, Jacques Joubert said residents have alternative ways of reporting noise pollution as opposed to just calling the police.

POLOKWANE – After an article in the Polokwane Observer dated June 13-17 with the headline ‘No shortage of police vans’, DA councillor in the Polokwane Municipality, Jacques Joubert alerted the publication that residents have alternative ways of reporting noise pollution as opposed to just calling the police.

In the article, a resident explained that she struggled for hours to get assistance from the police when she tried to report a noisy party her neighbours were having. She tried the police, along with the CPF who were both unable to assist her.

Joubert says the main issue is that residents are not properly informed on such issues.

“If there is any noise disturbances at any time of the day before 22.00 then people should call the municipal control room and lay a complaint. Then an official from Polokwane traffic or community safety will be dispatched to the scene. The officials are able to issue a notice depending on how many times the informal complaint has been laid and if the issue is recurring the officials are allowed to confiscate the music system being used.”

Secondly, residents have the option of laying a formal complaint by writing to the health manager at the municipality and an official from that department will be sent out to issue a formal notice.

“If you do it this way then you have a paper trail in case the complaint happens again. After 22.00 the police can be called and one should request a reference number then proceed to email the health manager.”

Joubert reiterated that there are no time restrictions on the municipal bylaws that govern noise pollution, except for music festivals or events.

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