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COLUMN: Criminal looters and thugs must be stopped

Under the disguised pretext of “Free Jacob Zuma campaign”, these criminal charlatans and looting terrorists have caused severe economic destruction.

A rambunctious coalition of criminal looters and mobsters is conspiring to turn our country into kleptocracy. The anarchy, violent thuggery and criminal looting of businesses in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng must be stopped mercilessly and abruptly. Our police and military structures must apply draconian measures in quelling these anarchic criminal protests.

Under the disguised pretext of “Free Jacob Zuma campaign”, these criminal charlatans and looting terrorists have caused severe economic destruction.

As per the order of the Constitutional Court, Zuma handed himself over to the Estcourt Correctional Centre to begin his 15-month imprisonment for contempt of court.

Subsequently, sporadic protests against Msholozi’s incarceration began around KZN. Syndicated gangs of criminals and thugs hijacked and turned the protests into a ghastly spectacle of destructive vandalism and looting.

On Friday (10 July), these marauding troops of criminal hooligans torched 25 trucks and several cars on the N3 near Mooi River Plaza, in KZN. Just like a raging conflagration of wildfire, the anarchic criminal protests spread to Gauteng on Sunday. Armed with fiery rage and nihilistic psychosis, these criminal protesters torched and looted malls, hypermarkets, retail shops, liquor stores and restaurants in Gauteng. While watching this looting mayhem on television, I remarked: “The Devil’s nightmarish messengers are at their ghastly work!”

Since the advent of democracy, we have never ever experimented with such a devious spectacle of mutinous mobocracy and pugnacious anarchy.

The shameful economic damage caused by these criminal protests is estimated to run over R5 billion, not to mention the possible job losses as a result of the destructive mayhem. There is a timeless philosophic adage that reads: “Vigilance is a price to pay for a stable democracy.” As patriotic citizens, we must join hands and unite against these syndicated cartels of criminal looters, anarchists and hooligans. We strongly urge our police and military structures to apply proportionate iron-fisted measures against these protesting criminal renegades. Neither mercy or compassion must be displayed when dealing with criminal mobsters, truculent thugs and treasonous mutineers.

These ultra-anarchic criminals and looters must be defeated and stopped, right now! We must never allow plundering mobsters, hooligans and mutineers to turn our democracy into mobocracy. NEVER!

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