[TAKE NOTE] New municipal tariffs to come into effect tomorrow

Polokwane residents will have to dig deeper into their pockets after the increase in municipal tariffs will be effective as of Thursday, July 1.

POLOKWANE – The tariffs for the 2020/2021 financial year were approved by council in April following a public participation process. The following increases will take effect on 1 July 2021.

In a public notice released by the municipality, council is said to have taken into consideration the current socioeconomic difficulties in the national and local economy which include the increased cost of bulk water and electricity which places an increased pressure on the tariffs.

However, council has kept it’s indigent support policy in place which offers households with a combined income of less than R4 480, a free 6Kl supply of water, 100 units of electricity, 100% subsidy for refuse removal and sewage charges and a 100% rebate on assessment rates.

The municipality also grants an 80% rebate to owners of residential properties who depend on pensions or social grants as long as the household income does not exceed R9 490.


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