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Delicate delicacies by Elsa

Elsa du Plessis is a self-taught baker with a creative streak.

The 55-year-old baker is the owner of Elsa se Tuisgebak and she explained that she officially started baking nine years ago, when she was tasked to bake a cake for her daughter’s 21st birthday.

“I love baking and it is also a way for me to earn an extra income,” she said. Elsa had no formal training; it is a gift that she was born with. She expressed that baking is a God-given talent and because of that, she always prays over her work before she begins.

“I believe my cakes become a masterpiece because I put God in everything I do. I always pray before baking any cake and that has kept my clients coming back for more,” she explained.

Elsa confessed that she was not always good at baking and her talent has evolved over time. Her family has always been supportive.

“There were times when the cakes were not that good but they always encouraged me with positive feedback. They are tremendously supportive and are always proud of my work,” she said. Her plans for her business are to go big, and have her own bakery as soon as she goes on pension, five years from now. Baking is my passion and you can be sure of the best quality, money can buy. My treats are not only beautiful, they are the best in town.”

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