Local NewsNews

‘Hire residents from ward 19’: Locals get proactive over jobs

The residents of ward 19 are taking the initiative in the battle against unemployment.

On 13 May they paid a visit to various businesses around ward 19 in an attempt to address unemployment in the area.

A community member, Wayne Southon, expressed that they did this because of the high unemployment rate in the ward. “There are approximately 200 businesses in and around the ward and we saw that they do not employ people from the ward,” he said.

He added: “They must not be mistaken for hooligans as they did not demand jobs from the businesses, they simply kindly requested that the residents in ward 19 be considered first, should vacancies open”.

Southon added that when a business comes to an area, locals must be their first choice for employment and despite mixed response from businesses, they are optimistic that their pleas will be considered.

“We know that it is not as easy as just hiring people immediately, but some businesses have been receptive to our request and it gives us hope that should vacancies open up, people in our ward will be considered,” he added.

He said that they are in the process of compiling a new database for the ward where they will record the information of those seeking employment. “We are currently doing the groundwork in preparation formation of the database. We are also doing research and will be making use of the old database to assist with information,” he said.

He added that they will be thorough in their research to ensure that it is strictly the people in the ward that benefit from this initiative. However, more information and feedback will be communicated in time.

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