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[INFOGRAPHIC] Majority of dam levels in Limpopo over 100%

The latest State of Dams report issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation indicates that the provincial water storage is at 87%. See the dam levels as recorded on 17 May, here: 

LIMPOPO – The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) weekly state of dams report of 17 May 2021 shows that the province recorded mixed results with some dams improving, some dropping and others remaining unchanged.

On the positive side, dams in the Mopani district remain relatively unchanged with Ebenezer Dam at 100.4%, Magoebaskloof Dam at 100.5%. Dap Naudé Dam dropped slightly to 104.4% this week from last week’s 104.7%.

According to the report, Flag Boshielo Dam, which forms part of Polokwane Water Supply System, showed a slight decrease from 96.2% last week to 95.2% this week.

Doorndraai dam along the Sterkrivier remains unchanged at 41%.

See all the dam levels as recorded on 17 May 2021 here:

The department called on Limpopo residents to continue using water sparingly as we head into the dry winter season.

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