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Six old-school tips for saving money today

Whatever your upbringing, it’s never too late to instill some good old-fashioned money habits... We take a look at six budgeting habits that our parents and grandparents followed.

When it comes to making your money count, sometimes the old-fashioned way is the best way. Many budgeting habits that our parents and grandparents followed are still highly effective when it comes to making your cash go further today.

“Our financial habits are often formed by the families we grew up in,” says Shafeeka Anthony, marketing manager of personal finance website JustMoney. “Some of us are fortunate enough to have had a head start in life by observing our mothers or other adults who had a good relationship with money. Others may have witnessed poor financial decisions that led to considerable stress for everyone concerned. The good news, though, is you can access trustworthy information and budgeting tools online and educate yourself about how to manage your money better.”

The team at JustMoney share financial life lessons passed on from their mothers:

Whatever your upbringing, it’s never too late to instill some good old-fashioned money habits that will give you greater peace of mind in the long run.

  1. Home is best: Covid has taught us that you don’t always have to go out and about to have fun. Read a book, work in the garden, clean and declutter your home, and plan a movie night with your kids or a date night with your partner. Read up about how to reduce your spending each month here.
  2. Mend and make do: Preventative maintenance, like changing your car oil and air filters, can save you big bills in the long run. When clothing needs mending, or an appliance is broken, fix it rather than buying a new item.
  3. Plan your meals: This is not only a money saver, but a time saver too. Planning ahead means you aren’t left wondering what to cook. You’re also not as tempted to eat out or order in.
  4. Read more about the best places to buy your groceries here.
  5. Save money on eating out:  When you plan to eat out, check for restaurant special offers such as two-for-one deals. Look out for discounts on JustMoney deals.
  6. Don’t buy it if you can’t afford it: People used to save up until they could afford to pay cash – debt was a dirty word. When you do make a purchase, read up here to make your loyalty and rewards programmes work for you.
  7. Make heartfelt gifts: People love getting handmade gifts. Search the internet for recipes to make artisanal biscuits, homemade jams, and even beauty products.

“Our parents were taught to count their blessings and to be grateful for what they had – which is good for your mood and your pocket. Don’t let advertisers and influencers rule your life, you are not what you own,” says Anthony.“At JustMoney we understand that managing your finances is often stressful given the challenging times we live in, which is why we’ve made the process easy, safe and convenient. From your mobile device, you have access to money management tools, advice you can bank on and a full range of financial products and services.

“We invest in guiding you through your financial journey by allowing you to make informed decisions today and for your future.”

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