[VIDEO] Fay finds true healing in art

Fulufhelo 'Fay' Nemutandani found her happiness in art.

The 28-year-old from Serala View used art to get through a dark period in her life. “I was in and out of depression and every year, I would be admitted because of the severity of the depression,” she explained.

It was during one of her hospital stays where art was part of the therapy and her interest was reignited. This was after she had not done anything creative since her primary school days. “I remembered the love I had for art. It may sound like a cliché but I found my peace doing art and I think it also kept me going because since I started doing my art I have not been back in hospital,” she said.

Fay is currently a first-year art student at University of South Africa (Unisa) and she is more content than she has ever been. She truly believes that she is doing what she is meant to do as art comes so easily to her. “I use things I find around the house. I first start with a sketch and then I decide what materials I can use, until the finished product,” she explained.

She added that what she likes most about art is that there are no mistakes, even something unintentional can result in the most beautiful piece of work.

Fay sells her artwork online which has alleviated the pressure of needing to rent a space to operate from. The benefit of selling online is that she can reach a wider audience, however, she one day hopes to have her own gallery and studio, which will give her and other artists a platform to grow the art scene in Polokwane.

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