Still no resources as promised for Piet Hugo

Piet Hugo Primary School has still not received the resources they need to accommodate the learners that were admitted after a shortage of admission place at schools in Polokwane earlier this year.

During the time, Polokwane Observer reported that the school had been given a mandate by the department to admit learners that it had no space for in the existing school building.

These learners were to be placed in the mobile classrooms that had been sitting on the school premises after they were delivered by the department, but no provision was made for learning materials and teachers.

School Governing Body Chairperson, Mokgadi Maite says they had to use the school’s own money to employ three teachers to supplement the additional intake.

“Around 60 learners were admitted into the school above its capacity. Some of the learners were fitted into existing classes but three new classes had to be created to avoid overcrowding. We felt this was necessary because we did not want to interfere with the quality of the education offered at the school.”

According to Maite, no formal communique on the way forward has been received by the school after the learners were admitted, despite the school sending issues to the department for intervention such as health and safety requirements, among others.

“We will continue to put the learners first. The quality of our education is very important to us here and we cannot punish the learners or let them suffer due to our struggles but some assistance from the department would be nice.”

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