Another clean audit for Capricorn District Municipality

CDM's Executive Mayor John Mpe said the clean audit attained in 2019/20 confirms that municipality is among the best in the country and that no money spent was deemed irregular or wasteful.  

LIMPOPO – Capricorn District Municipality (CDM) has received an unqualified audit outcome for the second year in a row.

The report was presented by the Auditor-General of South Africa on 19 April during special council meeting. The audit focused on four areas, namely the Annual Financial Statements, Audit of Performance Objectives, Compliance and Internal Controls, and was conducted based on the international auditing standards.

In an address to the media after the meeting, CDM’s Executive Mayor John Mpe said the clean audit attained in 2019/20 confirms that municipality is among the best in the country. “The municipality has progressed impressively in the past four financial years in its audit performance by moving from unqualified audit in 2015/16 with 18 findings, to another unqualified audit in 2016/17 with eight findings to one material finding in 2017/18 and a clean audit in 2018/19.”

He added that it is proof that the municipality has once again ensured that every cent that was spent from the budget was fully accounted for, with no a single transaction of irregular or wasteful expenditure.

The ANC in the Peter Mokaba Region congratulated CDM, saying that the resounding audit outcomes over the last few years are reflective of good financial management and governance systems in the municipality.

In a statement issued, Regional Spokesperson, Machaka Jimmy Mathole said the branch believes that proper financial management contributes positively to service delivery and overall functioning of the municipality. “We are elated by this notable achievement by CDM under the political care and control of Mpe. The consistent and impressive performance by the municipality dispels all unfounded allegations and lies that are at times peddled by enemies of progress. Affirmatively, CDM is a home of excellence upon which all other municipalities should draw inspiration,” Mathole concluded.

Mpe further credited this success to municipal employees.

“Employees within the municipality keep us at the top by living up to our mission ‘to deliver in an efficient manner through competent people’, and we hope that this will go a long way in inspiring other municipalities to do better and improve governance”, Mpe said.

He concluded by saying that they intend to retain this clean audit in the years to come and to never drop the standard.

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