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The most contravened Human Rights in Limpopo are:

The South African Human Right's Commission (SAHRC) in Limpopo explains the most contravened rights based on complaints they receive.

In the light of celebrating Human Rights Day in March the South African Human Right’s Commission (SAHRC) in Limpopo says the most contravened rights based on complaints they receive are access to water, healthcare issues and access to education.

Provincial Manager, Victor Mavhidula says healthcare issues are predominant across the province but the other two issues are raised more in rural areas where the challenges are more common than in towns or cities.

“We do have complaints of access to education and water all over but the number of cases we receive on rural areas are very high as compared to developed or suburban areas. Most of these complaints come from dilapidated schools where the conditions are not healthy for learners and teachers who are expected to work from there. Also the number of complaints over public heath institutions are mainly due to a lack of infrastructure and a lack of medication.”

Mavhidula believes the issues stem from plans announced by political leaders who always fail to follow up on the promises they make year in and year out.

“We are always told of budget allocation that will address the issues faced by residents but there is no implementation on these plans. As the SAHRC our mandate is to investigate any threat or violation of human rights and to hold the authority accountable based of their responsibility within that department.”

He says that they have had instances where the National Department of Health visited them to address healthcare issues but very often these issues are addressed within a few days but become and issue again after a few months.

The first responsibility of the commission is to investigate the alleged violation or threat before accountability can ensue.

“The longest of our complaints usually take six months and that is often cases that end up in court, anything else might be resolved sooner, depending on the responses by the affected parties.”

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