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‘Only rights will stop wrongs’

In celebrating Human Rights Day today, Polokwane Observer spoke to the national movement of sex workers, Sisonke.

This is in response to the treatment that sex workers are given which violates their human rights.

Sisonke Limpopo Spokesperson, Josephine Malema, explained that the South African Bill of Rights clearly stipulates human rights and that includes sex workers because they are human too, despite their choice of work.

She added that the right of sex workers that is most violated is the right to have access to justice.

“Sex workers are guilty before the law without trial and this is as a result of their choice to make a living through selling their bodies.

Sex workers’ freedom of choice is trampled upon because sex work is seen as a crime,” Malema said.

She added that their right to dignity is also tarnished as a result of their choice to earn a decent living.

Malema stated that people need to understand that sex workers are rendering a service to society and in turn are contributors to the economy through their earnings. “There is nothing immoral about being a sex worker.

Sex work is an adult choice to earn a decent living to afford them the dignity they deserve. Sex work should not be viewed with a classist mindset,” she concluded.

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