Polokwane coach in court for sexual assault

Two cases of sexual assault have been opened

The police in Polokwane have confirmed that two cases of sexual assault have been opened against a 31-year-old former sports coach in the city after complaints piled up of teenage boys being sexually assaulted. The man’s identity is being withheld as per laws pertaining to the nature of the cases against him. 

According to Police Spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojalefa, one of the cases against the former instructor was before court on 14 December, but subsequently provisionally withdrawn to allow for further investigations.

One parent who was in contact with Polokwane Observer, says he filed a case with the police after the apparent molestation of his 12-year-old son.

All names are withheld to protect the identity of the victims.

“My life has become a nightmare and all I want for my son is justice. He was taken advantage of by an older figure who today still, remains in the company of young boys.”

The man says his biggest fear is that the case would simply disappear.

“After the man was arrested and charged, he later sent me a message on WhatsApp saying that he had not forgotten about me or my son. For me, it took a lot to open the case and justice needs to be served.”

The father explained that on one afternoon in October last year, the father of one of his son’s friends phoned him to ask about the whereabouts of his son, who had apparently said he planned on staying over with the family. 

“At the time my son was here at home with us, but because the man’s son had left home saying he was with us, I felt compelled to help him.”

He said they only discovered the next day that the other man’s son had stayed over at the house of the coach.

“We drove to the house, and it was quite a disturbing sight to see teens of between 15 and 17 there and we could smell dagga. I turned to my son, asking if he had ever stayed over at the house, to which he replied, ‘Yes, Dad.'”

The boy elaborated by saying he had consumed liquor and smoked cigarettes with his coach, the man told Polokwane Observer.

“My son admitted to having lied about his own whereabouts when going to a friend’s house, while in fact he had been going to the coach’s house. He told me that the man would touch him inappropriately during these sleepovers. After he detailed to me what had transpired, I broke down completely.”

The man said himself and two other parents opened cases with the police. 

“My son’s behaviour has changed to the point where his teacher at school has asked to see us. He can no longer sleep alone and constantly has nightmares. It is disturbing that a man who is supposed to empower young boys, is the actual monster.”

The two other cases of sexual assault will be heard in the regional court. A date is not yet known.

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