‘High probability’ of loadshedding this weekend

Eskom announced that Stage 2 loadshedding will be implemented from 17:00 until Friday at 23:00.

The power utility says they need to implement loadshedding because the generation capacity is severely constrained.

“There is a probability that loadshedding may be implemented at short notice if any further breakdowns occur before then [17:00],” their statement reads.

Eskom adds that continued poor performance at the Kusile, Duvha and Tutuka power stations, delays in returning other units to service, as well as breakdowns over the last week, have caused the need to implement loadshedding.

“Eskom has had to extensively utilise the emergency generation reserves, which are being rapidly depleted. This period of loadshedding will be used to replenish the reserves,” Eskom explains.

The power utility says there is a high probability that loadshedding may be implemented throughout the weekend. 

“This will depend on plants returning to service for planned maintenance, as well as the levels of the emergency generation reserves. Eskom requests the public to continue using electricity supply sparingly as the system remains vulnerable and unpredictable,” the statement concludes.

Get Polokwane’s loadshedding schedules here.

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