Monja brings joy through her artwork

Local artist, Monja Friedenthal (22) loves bringing happiness to others through her artwork.

“To be creative, is to be in love with life itself.”

Even though this quote’s origin is unknown, the authenticity thereof is something that applies to local artist, Monja Friedenthal (22).

Monja grew up in Polokwane and completed school at Eagle’s Nest Christian School.

She then underwent training as a missionary, visiting among others, Zambia, for two years.

“After my return I did not really know what I wanted to do with my life. When I was younger, however, I contracted a childhood disease and had to stay in my room most of the day. It is here where I started painting, and my sister gave me some tips as she also enjoyed sketching.”

When she returned from Zambia, the opportunity arose to transform the walls of Osieteddies Kleinkindontwikkelingsentrum with some playful bears.

“Since then I completed quite a few projects, of which the biggest was the bathrooms of the Gr R learners at Oosskool. I love using colour in my paintings. I also paint on glass surfaces, and smaller paintings on canvasses.

“Painting is my passion and I am blessed to have been able to make a career out of it.” She says she loves to drive past Osieteddies and see her creative work. “It is the best feeling ever”.

She truly loves her creative side. “In high school, I got a message saying ‘Blessed is the work of your hands,’ and I am truly blessed. My faith is my inspiration and I love bringing happiness to others through my work. I love the smiles when people see my work. God is at the core of my work and I want to give hope to others in this way.”

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