EFF expresses solidarity with Legae La Batho residents

A water protest by residents at Legae La Batho led to the temporary disruption of traffic on Nelson Mandela Drive on Monday morning.

The residents who did not want to be named say they are tired, after spending the last three weeks with no running water or sufficient water tankers.

The protests started at about 05:30 with residents burning tires and blocking Nelson Mandela Drive at the Thembi Hani Drive intersection.

Traffic was disrupted from all directions with motorists flocking to Polokwane Drive, as protestors demanded a meeting with the Polokwane Municipality and Lepelle Northern Water where they could seek a solution.

The claim that the water tankers that are sent out as an interim measure by the municipality barely have enough water, or that the water is murky and not fit for consumption.

Municipal Communications Manager, Matshidisho Mothapo says the municipality operates on an open door policy and will always be available to engage with residents. “We will grant them the meeting they are seeking, and in cases where the matter at hand is out of our hand we will also assist residents to get hold of the relevant authority, in this case Lepelle Northern Water.”

Mothapo has encourages residents to not resort to protesting and violence as a first medium, but to engage the municipality before taking to the streets.

“We have not received an official complaint from these residents and we urge them to engage us first.”

Police, traffic officials and members of community safety attended to the scene and the crowd was dispersed.

Later the same day, however, more tyres were set alight with residents saying they are not going to be silenced.

EFF Provincial Chairperson, Jossey Buthane has expressed solidarity with these residents on his social media page saying the EFF will always be available to support them. “They have declared war against you and no one must blame you when you respond. The EFF is with you on this one like with many other injustices committed against you.”

Details on when the meeting will take place have not been made available yet.

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