Mutilated body of young boy found near local graveyard

The police have since launched a 72-hour activation plan to track down the culprit(s) involved in what is believed to be a ritual murder.

LIMPOPO – Provincial Police Commissioner, Lt Genl Nneke Ledwaba has expressed shocked over the ruthless murder of a young boy and has ordered the police to track down the culprit(s) involved.

The body of the deceased, a 12-year-old child from Makgofe village, 20km outside Polokwane, was found dumped next to the local graveyard this morning (Friday, 12 February).

“The police were notified and arrived on the scene to find the lifeless body of a young boy. The child had multiple injuries throughout his body and some of the body parts were missing,” said Police Spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe.

The deceased was last seen on Thursday evening and preliminary investigations revealed that the motive behind this incident may be ritual related.

The suspect(s) involved in this matter are still unknown and the police urges anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of those involved, to contact the investigating officer, Lt Col Richard Boshomane at 079 894 5501. Alternatively they can contact the police via the MySAPSAPP or phone the 24-hour crime stop number at 086 001 0111.

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