Lepelle Northern Water victims of cybercrime attack

Appointment letters were issued under false pretence in response to tender bid: LNW 01/20/21 for the supply and delivery of personal clothing and equipment

POLOKWANE – Police are investigating what appears to be an orchestrated cybercrime attack on Lepelle Northern Water.

The water utility’s Media Liason Officer, Yolande Nel, said the attack was discovered in mid-January after which a case of fraud, misrepresentation and corruption was opened. 

Nel says appointment letters were issued under false pretence in response to tender bid: LNW 01/20/21 for the supply and delivery of personal clothing and equipment that was advertised earlier. “After thorough investigations, it was established that a bogus email account was used to forward communication from a foreign entity in the name of a Lepelle Northern Water employee,” she explained.

Nel said LNW has not been in contact with any bidder in relation to the tender.

“The organisation never issued any appointment letters regarding the bid either. As the case is under investigation no further information can be divulged at this stage,” she concluded.

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