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General maintenance at local hospital in the limelight

[WATCH] The lack of maintenance at the Pietersburg Provincial Hospital leaves visitors disheartened and disgusted.

Tall grass, potholes and leaking pipes are among the most common and visible issues at the Pietersburg Provincial Hospital that leave a bitter taste in visitors’ mouths.

A local resident, Thapedi Kgole says it was during a visit to the provincial hospital’s mortuary that he noted the hospital grounds were disheartening and disgusting.

He believes the grounds should be welcoming and finding the grass uncut, pipes leaking and potholes in the roads definitely has an impact on the health of patients.

Potholes at the hospital.

“I know we often talk about not judging a book by its cover but in this case you are forced to, as the cover does not look good. The buildings are unkept and the grounds are overgrown. This must have an effect on the well-being of the patients who come here in the hope of getting better.”

The grounds of the hospital are unkept.

He says the ventilation inside the buildings is also a problem especially in a time where the country is fighting the Covid-19 virus.

“In a time where ventilation is important several air-conditioners in the hospital are not functioning and it makes it difficult to maintain the standard that has been set in terms of curbing Covid-19.”

Kgole urged the department to take care of their institutions and restore dignity.

Health Spokesperson, Neil Shikwambana says the hospital has employed four general workers who are responsible for the day to day maintenance.

“The issue of overgrown grass can be attributed to the increase in rain, but there are workers who are currently working on cutting the bushes on the premises. The general workers who are placed at the hospital might not be able to attend to specialised work such as the issue of potholes, and the department would have to get a service provider to perform this function.”

He added that workers from the Expanded Public Works Programme are often roped in for this function.

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