Alleged ‘instigator’ of attack on police outside Polokwane, arrested

Three Westenburg police officers were left injured following a reported attack by community members of extension 44 outside Polokwane.

POLOKWANE – The police have arrested a man believed to be the instigator behind the attack on police members wherein which three officers were injured, The attack happened at Greenside Extension 44 on Saturday, 2 January, following the arrests of four undocumented foreign nationals.

The 27-year-old man was arrested during a snap operation on Sunday, explained Police Spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapleo.

Meanwhile the 32-year-old suspect who was re-arrested in a local hospital has been discharged and is back in police cells. “The man was shot by the police after he reportedly attempted to stab an officer during his initial arrest.”

Both these suspects will appear in the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court soon on charges of assault on police, incitement to commit crime and malicious damage to property. The re-arrested man faces an extra charge of escaping from lawful custody.

Mojapelo added that police are still looking for the other people who are responsible for the said attack as well as those who were released during the incident. “Anyone with information is requested to contact Lt Col Maimele Pilusa at 082 728 9825 or the crime stop number at 0860010111.”

3 January

POLOKWANE – Three Westenburg police officers were left injured following a reported attack by community members of extension 44 outside Polokwane.

According to a statement by Police Spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapelo, the officers were conducting Safer Festive Season Operations yesterday, 2 January, when they were attacked.

“Some community members started throwing stones and other objects at the police members following the arrests of four undocumented foreign nationals in the area,” he explained.

Mojapelo’s statement says one of the men took out a knife and advanced towards the police members, allegedly threatening to stab them.

Photo: SAPS Limpopo

“He was shot and injured. His brother reportedly incited community members in the area to attack the police. They started throwing stones and in the process, injured three police members and damaged three vehicles,” he added.

The community members then released the arrested illegal immigrants from the police vehicles.

Photo: SAPS Limpopo

“The injured members were taken to hospital for medical treatment and were later discharged. Subsequent police investigations led to the rearrest of the injured foreign national, aged 32, after he was traced and found admitted at a local hospital. He is under police guard,” Mojapelo said.

The attack on police has been strongly condemned by Acting Provincial Police Commissioner, Maj Gen Jan Scheepers.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the conduct that was manifested by the said community members. The police will not tolerate any form of lawlessness and any attack on them will be responded to appropriately,” added Scheepers.

Photo: SAPS Limpopo

Cases of illegal immigration, assault on police, escaping from custody, malicious damage to property and incitement to commit crime has been opened.

“The hunt for the suspects is continuing and anyone with information is requested to contact Lt Col Maimele Pilusa at 082 728 9825, the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111 or the nearest police station,” Mojapelo concluded.

Police investigations are continuing.

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