Treat your sunburn with effective home remedies

Here are 10 tips and home remedies to treat your sunburn.

If you plan to be out and about this long weekend, enjoying the last of the summery days before winter bites, you may want to take note of some useful ways to treat sunburn.

When you’re getting bombarded with the sun’s UV rays, your exposed skin ups its production of melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment in the top layer of your skin that gives it its colour and also determines how tan you can get. Upping the production of melanin is the body’s way of protecting the deeper layers of the skin. So the tan acts as a shield against UV light.

To avoid peeling and get rid of the redness and stinging, here are 10 tips and home remedies for sunburn that are simple, fast and effective.

Photo: PinTerest
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