‘Healthy New Year is in your hands’ as president introduces festive season precautions

The country’s cumulative Covid-19 figure is soon to surpass the million-mark.

In this unprecedented year, Christmas and New Year will literally come early for South Africans celebrating anywhere outside of their homes, as the curfew over the festive season will move to between 23:00 and 04:00.

This was but one additional precautionary measure in the fight against Covid-19, as was earlier this evening announced by the President, Cyril Ramaphosa.

In a plea to South Africans, the president said extensive consultations were done to mitigate potential losses in the economy while efforts are made to curb the spread of Covid-19 amid the current second wave.  Non-essential establishments, including restaurants and bars, will have to close at 22:00 so that staff and patrons can get home before the enforcement of the curfew, he said.

With the country currently experiencing an upsurge in Covid-19 cases, widely believed to be the second Covid-19 wave, Ramaphosa said cumulative cases were nearing 900 000 and will soon surpass a million cases.


“There is no longer any doubt that South Africa has entered the second wave of Covid-19 infections. If we don’t act, and if we don’t take the necessary precautions, the second wave will be more severe than the first.”

While the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng were the leading provinces in terms of new infections, he made mention of the fact that most new infections were that of young people between 15 and 19.  This, he said, could widely be ascribed to post-matric celebratory activities and festivals.

He said South Africans have bought into the festive spirit early, inviting friends and family for get-togethers and that this is what spreads the virus: “It is our failure to adhere to the precautions that has brought us to the second wave. The festive season now poses the greatest threat to the health of our people and our nation, and also to our economy.  It is traditionally a time of relaxing after a stressful year. If we do not do things differently, we will greet the new year solo, or very different than we expected.  This might be the last Christmas for many South Africans.”

Another factor in the rise in infections is increased travel, he added as many people do not observe prevention measures as they move within cities, towns and rural areas, and between different areas.

In addition to Nelson Mandela Bay that was declared a hotspot 11 days ago, the president also declared the Garden Route and the Sarah Baartman district as hotspots where the same precautions will now apply.

Following deliberations within the National Coronavirus Command Council and the President’s Coordinating Council, Cabinet has imposed the following restrictions which apply nationwide from midnight tonight:

Measures to reduce the risk of super-spreader events include:

One of the greatest challenges, he noted, was the huge crowds that flock to beaches and recreational parks on public holidays over the festive season.

In this regard, the following restrictions will apply:

Reducing the burden on healthcare services due to irresponsible alcohol consumption, will be curbed through the following restrictions:

The next few weeks are going to be a great test of determination and restraint, the president remarked, once more urging South Africans to practice the basic precautions in the fight against the pandemic, which include the wearing of masks, practicing social distancing and the washing of hands.

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