
Publishing success for learner

Gloria Dos Santos, a Gr 10 learner from Northern Academy, has written a short story that was published in an anthology entitled Learning Under Lockdown. Although online learning had its perks, one of the many downsides was the issue of access to data. Not having access to WiFi connectivity, meant that Gloria had to look …

Gloria Dos Santos, a Gr 10 learner from Northern Academy, has written a short story that was published in an anthology entitled Learning Under Lockdown.
Although online learning had its perks, one of the many downsides was the issue of access to data.
Not having access to WiFi connectivity, meant that Gloria had to look for other means to access her work online and as she explained going periods without data meant that when she logged online, her work had piled up and she was often in a position of playing catch-up, which was exhausting.
The anthology titled Learning Under Lockdown – Voices of South Africa’s Children was compiled by Professor of Education at Stellenbosch University, Professor Jonathan Jansen and Fulbright Scholarship winner, Emily O’Ryan.
Gloria was the only Polokwane-based learner whose story featured in the anthology, an achievement which she explains was a confidence-booster given that over 600 entries were received.
“When I received the e-mail telling me that I was one of the learners from across the country whose story would be published I was excited!
“It’s my dream to one day become a journalist so sharing my experience on learning under lockdown with the country was a good start.”
The collection of student stories explored the effects the lockdown had on teaching and learning across the country and speaking at the book’s virtual launch by CNA on the challenges raised in Gloria’s story, Emily O’Ryan explained that one thing that was very clear, “not all students access the internet in the same way, and what the lockdown has taught the book’s compilers is that there is a need to meet each learner at the point where they are accessing the internet and support them at that level”. The Learning Under Lockdown – Voices of South Africa’s Children book is available at CNA stores nationwide.

Story: Umpha Manenzhe

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