Local game reserve worth a visit

The festive season is here and learners and other residents will soon be taking some time off to relax. Some will be fortunate enough to retire to a holiday destination while others will have to make the best of their immediate environment. For nature lovers of the city, a visit to the Polokwane Game Reserve …

The festive season is here and learners and other residents will soon be taking some time off to relax.
Some will be fortunate enough to retire to a holiday destination while others will have to make the best of their immediate environment.
For nature lovers of the city, a visit to the Polokwane Game Reserve is an option to be seriously considered if they want to experience pristine nature at their doorstep.
The habitat in the reserve support a great variety of fauna which include 41 reptile, 58 mammal and 14 frog species. For the bird watchers there are also more than 300 bird species to be viewed.
The reserve covers an area of approximately 3 200 hectares, making it one of the largest municipal game reserves in the country. The dominant trees are Vachelia tortillis (umbrella thorn) and Vachelia rehmanniana (silky thorn).
Since the proclamation of the game reserve, many large mammal species have been re-introduced including tsessebe and sable antelope. Other game species to be found in the reserve include Burchell’s Zebra, kudu, eland, bushbuck, impala, waterbuck, blesbok, blue wildebeest, giraffe, nyala, gemsbok, red hartebeest and springbok. The reserve’s rhino family had to be relocated to an undisclosed place of safety due to the threat of poaching.
The reserve’s extensive road network makes self-guided game drives a rewarding experience and early morning and late afternoon excursions will offer the visitor the best chance of spotting a good variety of game. Various route options are available and the longest route will take approximately two and a half hours. Night drives are also conducted during the summer months and provide an opportunity to view the large variety of nocturnal mammals and birds which include aardvark, springhare, two species of genet, caracal, aardwolf, thick-tailed bush baby and porcupine.
Provision is also made for walking and hiking trails, which include the 21 km long White Rhino hiking trail that can be covered over one or two days. Overnight accommodation is available en route at the Kudu Guesthouse. Cyclists are also welcome and the roads are very accessible for this purpose.
The Dries Abrahamse Lapa is situated on the banks of the Sterkloop Spruit and 100 people can be accommodated under this beautiful thatched facility for day and evening functions. Amenities include communal braai facilities, a fully equipped kitchen, power points and ablution facilities.
Apart from the Kudu Guesthouse, overnight visitors can choose between the caravan park with its 40 caravan stands with power points and a further 30 sites for camping or make use of the chalets. Eighteen fully furnished and self-catering chalets are available and can accommodate two, four or six visitors.

Story: Barry Viljoen

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