Veterans mourn death of stalwart Mundhluyi (90)

The ANC Veterans League mourns the passing of struggle veteran, Comrade Daniel David Mochekwe Mundhluyi (90). Speaking on behalf of the league, Thabiso Mampuru says Mundhluyi is part of a generation of selfless, fearless and committed cadres of the liberation struggle, who chose to face torture or death in pursuit of the liberation, the total …

The ANC Veterans League mourns the passing of struggle veteran, Comrade Daniel David Mochekwe Mundhluyi (90).
Speaking on behalf of the league, Thabiso Mampuru says Mundhluyi is part of a generation of selfless, fearless and committed cadres of the liberation struggle, who chose to face torture or death in pursuit of the liberation, the total emancipation of black people and the realisation of the aspirations of the people of South Africa as enshrined in the Freedom Charter.
He was born on 15 May 1930 at Eisleben Berlin Missions, in the Makgato area under Chief Ramokgopa.
Common to many young black South Africans, Mundhluyi was forced to leave his family at a tender age in search of employment in Johannesburg.
Mundhluyi gravitated towards fellow young militant South Africans who took a stand to fight against the Apartheid system. In 1948, Mundhluyi formally joined the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) and was a fearless activist in Johannesburg.
In August 1954, aged 24 he had to make a difficult decision to leave his family and by September that year, he was in Zimbabwe and proceeded to Zambia in 1958.
From 1958 until 1964 Mundhluyi lived as an underground member of the ANC among fellow Zambian comrades.
Mundhluyi returned into the hands of the ANC and continued to fight for the total liberation of the people.
Due to ill-health, Mundhluyi requested to be relieved from active duty in the ANCVL and had been taking it easy at his home in Makgodu Borekwa in Moletjie. Mundhluyi passed away at his home on 3 October.

Story: Umpha Manenzhe

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