Polokwane dad’s plea for help leads to operation on daughter’s Achilles tendon

André Fourie’s daughter, Leandré, will have surgery in Pretoria on Saturday to mend her Achilles tendon after it was cut by a ceramic plate.

POLOKWANE – After André Fourie’s plea for help for his daughter on Facebook, the community stepped in to get money for a private hospital.

The 12-year-old, Leandré Fourie, on Thursday, dropped a ceramic plate which led to her Achilles tendon being cut. She was immediately taken to a doctor.

André, recently changed jobs and therefore the family does not have a medical aid. Her mother, Juanel, was also unable to assist financially.

“The doctor advised us that she needs an operation to mend the tendon to avoid it tearing off completely. We went to the Pietersburg Provincial Hospital but left at around 23:00 since I did not want to leave her there alone. She was not admitted.”

“We returned this morning and even though everyone at the hospital was helpful, the process to get her admitted took long. Also, there is no orthopaedic surgeon available to do the operation today,” André said.

Out of pure desperation, André took Leandré to a private general practitioner in the city and since then things quickly changed.

In a voice note, he informed everyone how, after he asked for the money on Facebook, a friend in Pretoria, who works as a physiotherapist at the Zuid Afrikaans Hospital, reached out a helping hand. “The hospital contacted me and we will travel to Pretoria tomorrow morning where Leandré will be admitted and treated, without us having to pay,” André informed his friends in tears.

Since his post first went up, money was paid into his account. This will be paid over into a Good Morning Angels’ account, as promised in André’s original post.

“I just want to thank everyone for their support, prayers, donations, likes and shares.

For every person who thought about us, it made a huge difference. I know God opened all doors, making sure the right people got the message.”


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