Service agreements signed by MECs

Covid-19 has left a devastating trail of economic destruction throughout the globe which prompted Premier Chupu Mathabatha to encourage MECs to sign a service delivery agreement. This comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa recently tabled the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan to fight the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mathabatha says Limpopo, as …

Covid-19 has left a devastating trail of economic destruction throughout the globe which prompted Premier Chupu Mathabatha to encourage MECs to sign a service delivery agreement.
This comes after President Cyril Ramaphosa recently tabled the South African Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan to fight the adverse effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mathabatha says Limpopo, as part of the global village, was not spared by the financial constraints of the pandemic, hence the development of the provincial recovery plan is at an advanced stage.
“The service delivery agreements set out clear, measurable and achievable targets that will ensure improved service delivery in the wake of unemployment, inequality and abject poverty exacerbated by the scourge of the Coronavirus.”
According to Mathabatha the agreements are informed by government’s adoption of the outcome-based approach, each department’s mandate, the State of the Province Address (SOPA) and the Limpopo Development Plan (LDP). “Collectively these agreements will reflect government’s delivery and implementation plans for its foremost priorities. Furthermore, this undertaking will inculcate a culture of constant improvement in the public service. The agreements will be reviewed annually so as to be refined in accordance with lessons learned and challenges experienced during execution.”
The agreements will assist to empower the Premier to hold the MECs even more accountable in this 6th term of administration.
“The signing of these agreements is an indication of our commitment to accelerate delivery of services to our people. Part of the deliverable for our MECs is the issue of service delivery, and good governance. The annual assessment of MECs performance will, therefore, include the issues of sound financial management in their respective departments. It is all hands on deck” said Premier Mathabatha.

Story: Umpha Manenzhe

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