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Apply now for GSF bursary

If you plan to further your studies and reside in Vivo in the Blouberg Municipality, you can now apply for funding through the Globeleq Scholarship Fund (GSF).

LIMPOPO – Applications are now open and close on 30 October.

The GSF has expanded its focus for the upcoming 2021 academic year, and students living within a 50km radius of the Soutpan Solar Power can apply.

The GSF Engineering Fund is designed to specifically support the renewable energy sector and ensure a pipeline of qualified talent. It is offered nationally through institutions offering mechatronic or electrical engineering and is specifically aimed at students studying mechatronic or electrical engineering.

The GSF Communities Fund supports localised development, as it is offered to students residing within a 50km radius in which Globeleq’s renewable energy power plants operate, including their Soutpan Solar Power plant.

The programme uses a less conventional and holistic approach to funding, by typically not only focusing on academic achievement, but rather on financial need, location of the students and gender, to demonstrate its commitment to increase the cache of women engineers in the country and to the sector.

According to Globeleq Economic Development Director, Hlengiwe Radebe the GSF is accountable for a sizeable percentage of renewable energy funded-scholarships, supporting 100% black youth and mostly women beneficiaries, setting an ambitious target not only for the renewable energy industry but for other sectors who strive to support the transformation agenda of this country.

For more information and to apply visit: www.globeleqscholarship.excelatuni.com.


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