Giyani teen’s boyfriend arrested for statutory rape and her father for rape

The father (40) took his daughter to the local police station to open a case of statutory rape against her boyfriend (25), but investigations revealed he also raped her.

4 November 16:50

LIMPOPO – Police Spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe said both men appeared in the Giyani Magistrate’s Court today. They were denied bail and their cases were postponed to 12 November for further police investigation.

28 October 14:00

LIMPOPO – The biological father (40) and alleged boyfriend (25) of a 15-year-old girl, were arrested on Tuesday for rape and statutory rape, respectively. 

A statement by Police Spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe said the girl left home on Saturday, 24 October but did not return home.

“The father, from a village in the Giyani policing area, went looking for the victim and found her at her boyfriend’s place. He then took her to the police station to open a case of statutory rape,” Ngoepe said.

He explained that police informed a local social worker that further assessment was needed. “It was then revealed that the victim’s father also raped her on separate occasions in 2019 and 2020. He threatened her not to tell anyone,” Ngoepe added.

Both suspects were then arrested and will appear in the Giyani Magistrate’s Court, tomorrow (Thursday, 29 October). 

The incident has been strongly condemned by Provincial Police Commissioner, Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba.

“As we continue to fight against the scourge of gender-based violence, including sexual offences, it is very disturbing that even those meant to protect their own children are also involved in these crimes. We commend the police for acting swiftly in arresting both suspects,” Ledwaba said.

Police investigations are still continuing, Ngoepe concluded.

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