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Limpopo ward councillor accused of raping minor, remanded in custody

Police investigations into the alleged incident still continue, says Police Spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapleo.

LIMPOPO – A 58-year-old ward councillor, accused of raping a minor, has appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court today and was remanded in custody for further police investigations.

The alleged incident happened on Thursday, 1 October and the accused was arrested in Mokwakwaila outside Tzaneen on Saturday evening.

Police Spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapleo says the accused is expected to appear again in the same court on 14 October. Police investigations into the matter still continue.

LIMPOPO – A 58-year-old ward councillor is expected to appear in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 5 October, in connection with the alleged rape of a 14-year-old girl.

The alleged incident happened on Thursday, 1 October and the accused was arrested in Mokwakwaila outside Tzaneen on Saturday evening, said Brig Motlafela Mojapelo, Police Spokesperson.

“It is alleged the victim had accepted a lift by the suspect at about 12:00. The suspect then drove into the bushes next to Rampepe village where he is said to have raped her. Thereafter he reportedly took her home, gave her money and a cellphone and told her not to tell anyone.”

The child only spoke of her ordeal when her mother questioned her about the cellphone. “She started to cry and told her mother what had happened. The matter was reported to the police and the councillor was arrested.”

Provincial Police Commissioner, Lt Genl Nneke Ledwaba has since commended the police for acting swiftly in arresting the suspect. “As the country continues to fight against the scourge of gender-based violence, it is disturbing that some leaders in society, who are supposed to support the police in this fight, are also arrested for rape,” Ledwaba said.

Social Development MEC. Nkakareng Rakgoale also condemned the incident and commended the victim’s parents for breaking the silence, despite ‘the suspect’s attempt to buy her silence’.

“As a department we are concerned to see men prying on young girls and destroying their bright future. It is very sad to see a leader in society accused of raping a minor.”

Rakgoale confirmed that a team of social workers has been dispatched to the family to start providing psychosocial support to the victim and other affected parties.

“We are once again calling on the courts to not grant bail to to perpetrators of GBV to demonstrate that government is determined in its fight against the attacks on women and children.”

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