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Her love for fashion turned into a business

Thabiso Violet Serumula (23) says she fell in love with fashion at a young age and that an illness led to her actually designing garments.

POLOKWANE – “I love designing women’s clothes because I understand the ins and outs of a woman’s body.”

These are the words of Violet Serumula (23), who has been designing clothes since December 2019 and is the proud founder of Vio Clothing. The second year law student at Unisa told BONUS that she fell in love with fashion at a young age and that an illness led to her actually designing garments.

“I was sick to the point where I couldn’t write exams and sketching kept me busy and my mind off the pain,” she said.

While she never got the opportunity to study fashion design, Violet says she has always been interested in learning more about it. “I would watch YouTube video tutorials regarding sewing and designing and when my parents gave me money to buy Christmas clothes, I bought a sewing machine instead,” she explained.

Violet says the thought of owning her own brand and creating opportunities for herself motivated her to start her own business. She says she would love to showcase her work once the lockdown has been lifted so that others are able to see her designs.

Violet believes that being patient and passionate is the key to success and that aspiring fashion designers should love what they do and keep working hard as business is a longevity game. “If you believe in it, keep going, build your brand and gain new followers,” she advised.

Violet can be found on Instagram and Facebook (@vio_clothinh).


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