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Deacon murders: Join the protest at 12:00 today

A peaceful protest will take place at Ocean Basket Mall of the North today.

POLOKWANE – “This can happen to any of us and is happening in our villages, cities and our country.”

Read more: [KYK] Honderde byeen om Lizette Deacon en haar ma te onthou

These are the words that accompany a WhatsApp message calling on people to join in a peaceful protest at Ocean Basket Mall of the North today.

The protest follows the murder of Ocean Basket owner, Lizette Deacon and her mother, Hettie. Their bodies were found last night on R37, in what is believed to be Deacon’s vehicle.

One of the organisers of the protest, Adele van der Linde, told Review that she was heartbroken when she heard the news this morning.

“I am tired. I usually accompany the MEC on visits where women were murdered, sometimes by random and other times by people they knew or loved. This was the final straw for me and it is time that we do something. Some people are asking me ‘why now?’, and I tell them; ‘Why not now?’,” Van der Linde said.

The protest is scheduled to start at 12:00 and will last an hour. Anyone is welcome to join and to bring a flower with.

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