Local NewsNews

A scoop of happiness with every spoonful

Lebogang Elizabeth Makosho has turned her favourite delicacy into a business, The Creameries homemade ice cream.

POLOKWANE – Lebogang is the founder of The Creameries homemade ice cream, which was inspired by her late grandfather who worked at an ice cream factory. “When I was young, he would bring us different flavoured ice cream and that was how my love developed,” she explained.

That same love became the driving force behind her ice cream business and the 25-year-old explained that her love is bordering on an obsession, and she cannot go a day without eating a bowl of ice cream. She has mastered the art of homemade ice cream and it takes her 10 minutes to make a bucket. “I don’t let the cold come between me and my favourite creamy dessert. Before I started making ice-cream to sell, I would make my own ice cream whenever I was too lazy to buy some,” she said.

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She recalls the first time she made various ice cream flavours, which was tested on her family and was an instant hit, so much so that her uncle invited his friends over to also taste the ice cream for an external opinion. “I couldn’t believe how much they enjoyed it. Their reaction to the ice cream reinforced the belief I had in my product and it gave me the confidence to package it and put it out there,” she said.

The Creameries homemade ice cream is available in 10 flavours, which includes cookies and cream, strawberry, choc mint, bubblegum, lime and others.

Challenges Lebogang faces is with suppliers not always having the products she needs in order to meet demands as well as bigger orders, as her workspace is not equipped to handle this yet. “The response to my business has been amazing, I didn’t realise there are so many ice cream lovers out there. The continuous support I get from people in Polokwane is so amazing and the reviews make me happy,” she concluded. For orders, WhatsApp or call 081 444 5781. reporter04@nmgroup.co.za

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Raeesa Sempe

Raeesa Sempe is a Caxton Award-winning Digital Editor with nine years’ experience in the industry. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand and started her journey as a community journalist for the Polokwane Review in 2015. She then became the online journalist for the Review in 2016 where she excelled in solidifying the Review’s digital footprint through Facebook lives, content creation and marketing campaigns. Raeesa then moved on to become the News Editor of the Bonus Review in 2019 and scooped up the Editorial Employee of the Year award in the same year. She is the current Digital Editor of the Polokwane Review-Observer, a position she takes pride in. Raeesa is married with one child and enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music and baking – when she has the time. “I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon. – Tom Stoppard

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