[WATCH] Review employee’s random act of kindness to KFC staffer

Sales Representative, Tracy Kgasago’s video has accumulated more than 34 000 views on Twitter.

POLOKWANE – Describing herself as a happy/bubbly yet sensitive person, Tracy Kgasago did not expect her video to do as well as it has on Twitter.

Tracy Kgasago

Tracy recently visited KFC at the Farmyard, in a random act of kindness to show employees love saying she wanted them to know she doesn’t only visit them when she has money.

“I was not expecting this reaction. I previously did a video which did well, but this just blew up,” she says.
In the video, Tracy speaks in Pedi and asks a woman how she is and tells her that she just wanted to pass by – to which the staffer smiles and bursts into laughter in awe of what had happened.

Many Twitter users replied to the video with some saying they would move to Polokwane to become her friend, while others labelled her as ‘leadership’.

“The best reactions to it was people asking me to become their friend. Three people have followed my example and visited their local takeaway drive through. It felt great that people could relate to my content,” said Tracy.

“When I don’t feel well, I like to make people feel better about themselves,” she added.
She said besides the requests to become peoples’ friends, one Twitter user offered to buy her lunch, which she politely declined.

See some of the reactions below:

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