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Old age and disability centre in Mankweng asks for help

The lockdown has had an adverse effect on the Kwelano Bohloko Old Age and Disability Centre, as food donations have dried up.

POLOKWANE – The centre, located at Ga-Mamabolo in Mankweng, was founded by Jane Mogale in 2009 after she observed a blind woman who lived alone and who had not eaten in two days. This moved her and she felt compelled to start a centre that would offer help and comfort for the elderly and the disabled in her community. Ignatius Mogale, the coordinator for the organisation, explained that since the lockdown started, the centre has been struggling to feed its 105 beneficiaries as the donations are few and far between. “Times are difficult. We receive calls from our elderly, daily, asking for food. We have also had to stop visits and are unable to keep a close eye on our beneficiaries’ well-being. We spoke to the ward councillor and ward committee in March but we are yet to receive any form of assistance,” he said. You might also want to read: Helping hand helps to rebuild their home The centre is committed to providing a safe and secure space for the elderly and the disabled. It also provides psychological and emotional support as well as basic education, depending on the mental capacities of the beneficiaries. Before the lockdown, the centre served as a spot where elderly and disabled residents would go during the day to be kept busy.

The centre offers services such as exercise classes, meditation, storytelling, reading, writing as well as arts and crafts.

On Wednesdays and Fridays, home visits would also be done. “Of the 105 beneficiaries, 65 are registered with the organisation and 40 are members of that community. We would like to help them all but it has not been easy,” he said. Although food takes priority, the centre requires a proper structure as it has been operating from a corrugated iron structure. They also would appreciate donation of arts and craft material. For more information, contact 066 537 3331/072 531 2460/072 808 4603 or send an e-mail to kboadc1712@gmail.com. reporter04@nmgroup.co.za

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Raeesa Sempe

Raeesa Sempe is a Caxton Award-winning Digital Editor with nine years’ experience in the industry. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Studies from the University of the Witwatersrand and started her journey as a community journalist for the Polokwane Review in 2015. She then became the online journalist for the Review in 2016 where she excelled in solidifying the Review’s digital footprint through Facebook lives, content creation and marketing campaigns. Raeesa then moved on to become the News Editor of the Bonus Review in 2019 and scooped up the Editorial Employee of the Year award in the same year. She is the current Digital Editor of the Polokwane Review-Observer, a position she takes pride in. Raeesa is married with one child and enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music and baking – when she has the time. “I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon. – Tom Stoppard

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