How to Take Care of Winter’s Impact on Your Hands

Dry hands are a common problem for many people in winter.

Excessive dryness can cause your hands to crack, peel and bleed. If your skin barrier is compromised, dryness can exacerbate skin eczema on hands and other skin conditions. That is why it is essential to protect your hands from drying out, especially during winter.

Read on to learn how you can protect your hands in wintertime:

Wear Gloves

If it’s cold enough to warrant the wearing of multiple layers of clothing, then you also need to wear a pair of gloves, ideally leather. If a lot of rain is forecasted, it might also be worth investing in a pair of water-resistant gloves. buy a pair of rubber gloves to use when you wash the dishes. Apart from protecting you from the chemicals in the dishwashing liquid, the gloves will also protect you from the searing hot water most people use to wash the dishes in winter.


Always make sure a tub of moisturiser is in arm’s reach. The air is much drier in winter, and the indoor heating you use to keep warm also takes a massive toll on your skin. This is why it’s essential to moisturise your hands more than usual in winter. Keep a 50ml tub of Vaseline Blue Seal Petroleum Jelly to apply on your hands throughout the day.


Most people know the importance of exfoliating their lips and face but might not know the process is just as valuable for the appearance of their hands. Exfoliating your hands not only removes dead skin cells but also allows for more effective penetration of a moisturiser. To make your own exfoliant, mix two tablespoons of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly with one tablespoon of sea salt. Place the exfoliant in your palms and rub all over your hands in circular motions.

Use Hand Sanitiser Sporadically

The alcohol in hand sanitiser can quickly dry out your skin, causing it to flake and peel. If you’re indoors, rather wash your hands with soap and water. Only use hand sanitiser in situations where soap and water are not readily available, such as when you go grocery shopping.

Avoid Hand Dryers

If you are in a public bathroom, opt for paper towels instead of hand dryers. The hot air that comes from hand dryers has the potential to dry out your hands. And when you wash your hands, make sure the water is lukewarm, as hot water can strip your hands of the natural oils needed to give them a healthy appearance. It’s not hard to prevent and treat the harsh effects of winter on your hands. A little planning and the right moisturiser will ensure that your skin always keeps a healthy appearance.

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