How to Deal With Communications Issues From Afar

Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. After all, lips were not just made for kissing.

They are also used to express our feelings and shower our partners with compliments. But words are only a small part of conveying a message. 

Research has found that 93% of communication is nonverbal in nature. Simply put, having a face-to-face conversation with someone makes it a bit difficult to truly comprehend what someone is saying when their words are all you have to work with. This presents a bit of a problem for people in long-distance relationships, as they mostly interact through texts or phone calls. Luckily, the solution is quite simple.

Here are five tips to help you avoid communication problems if you aren’t able to see your partner for a while:

Video Calls Should Be Your First Option

Gestures, facial expressions and posture all contribute to the way we interpret a message. The words “I love you” mean a whole lot more to you when they are accompanied by your partner’s smile. Whenever possible, video call your partner instead of voice calling or texting.

Text The Way You Speak

Tone is lost on social media platforms. Suppose you want to convey sincerity, text in a manner that emulates actual speech. For instance, when you tell someone how much you miss them, you usually drag one or two of the words a bit longer than you would. So instead of typing, “I really miss you,” rather go with “I reaaalllyyy miss you”. You should probably also add an emoji to help drive the message home.

Ramp Up The Frequency of Communication

When you have the option to see someone in person, your presence makes up for periods of silence. This is why a couple can sit comfortably in silence and still consider that quality time. But when you’re not together, words are all you have, so it’s crucial to stay in touch more than usual. That doesn’t mean you have to call or text every five minutes. But whenever you get the opportunity (no matter how tiny), say a word or two to your partner. For instance, if you come across a hilarious meme on the internet, share it with them and let them know how funny it was. Or perhaps you come across an interesting article about the freedom to love, send the link and ask what they think.

While distance might keep you away from your partner’s home, it won’t keep you from their heart. Just make sure the lines of communication are always open, and you should keep the spark burning until you see each other again.

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