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CDM suspends Executive Manager: Corporate Services

During a special meeting of council last Thursday, Capricorn District Municipalit Executive Manager for Corporate Services, Makgato Machaba was placed on precautionary suspension. This come after he was served with a notice of intended suspension which gave him an opportunity to make written representations to council as to why he should not be suspended, which …

During a special meeting of council last Thursday, Capricorn District Municipalit Executive Manager for Corporate Services, Makgato Machaba was placed on precautionary suspension. This come after he was served with a notice of intended suspension which gave him an opportunity to make written representations to council as to why he should not be suspended, which he made. Council however, rejected his written representations and subsequently suspended him with full pay for three months, pending the conduct of the investigations and disciplinary proceedings, if deemed appropriate.
According to Spokesperson Moffat Senyatsi, the municipality has appointed an external independent investigator in terms of regulations that govern the appointment and conditions of employment of Section 56 managers to probe the allegations of misconduct and to present a report.
Another senior official in the department will be appointed to act in Machaba’s position for a period not exceeding three months.
Machaba declined to comment on the matter.

Story: Barry Viljoen

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