Muni: Power failure affects water supply to parts of the city, Seshego

According to a notification received from Lepelle Northern Water water is currently not being pumped to the parts of the city due to a power failure at Pump Station 3 (ps3).

POLOKWANE – “A report has been received that Pump Station (ps3) has not been pumping water to Polokwane since last night due to power failure. The matter was reported reported to Eskom and LNW says the power utility will attend to the fault from 08:00 once its central stores are open,” says Thipa Selala, Spokesperson for the Polokwane Municpality.

The stoppage will affect the areas from the Polokwane Smelters to Seshego and water supply will be restored once the problem has been dealt with, Thipa added.

“We urge residents to use water sparingly until power is restored in order to avoid water shortages.”

Water related issues such as pipe bursts/leakages, water shortages can be reported to the municipal Water and Sanitation helpline at 015 023 5376 / 015 023 5629.

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