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8 Covid-19 preventive measures that keep the flu at bay too

Wearing masks, maintaining physical distance and frequent hand-sanitising helps to prevent the spread of cold and flu viruses not just Covid-19, says a leading colds and flu medicine provider.

After almost three-and-a-half months under lockdown, most South African’s willpower to maintain lockdown rules and regulation is wearing thin. Many have reverted to ‘cheating’ by expanding their circle of people they see and experimenting with get togethers with friends and family.

In a statement, Nicole Jennings, Spokesperson for Pharma Dynamics, a leading colds and flu medicine provider warns residents to not become lax in adhering to health and safety regulations as lockdown rules are eased.

“People are yearning for some normalcy and in recent weeks a surge in snaps and videos of family gatherings, braais with friends, neighbourhood get-togethers and birthday bashes have surfaced on social media. This shows  signs that South Africans are lowering their guard.”

Jennings says the harsh reality, however is, the more we mingle – even when wearing masks and social distancing – it increases our risk of infection… not just for Covid-19 but also for colds and flu.

“Influenza cases usually spike around mid to late April in South Africa’s flu season, but to date there has been little sign of it. The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms has also been delayed.”

She cautions the public that as lockdown rules ease, they shouldn’t become lax in adhering to health and safety regulations. “It is critical that we keep flu cases low to avoid overburdening our already stretched healthcare system as we enter the Covid-19 peak season, therefore keeping ourselves healthy and finding ways to boost our immune system has never been more important.”

She offers the following tips:

  1. The first line of defense is to practice good hygiene. Wash your hands well with soap and water, especially before preparing food and after sneezing, coughing or using the bathroom.
  2. Good nutrition from a well-balanced diet is key to a strong immune system. Choose fresh, plant-based foods as much as possible. Frozen fruit and vegetables are also a good choice. At least two thirds of your plate should be filled with vegetables, whole grains and fruit. The remaining third can be protein from lean animal or plant-based sources. Also try to limit the amount of processed foods you purchase.
  3. If you are unable to follow a well-balanced diet, take a multi-vitamin or an immune-boosting supplement to top you up.
  4. If you’re working from home or at the office, take regular breaks – especially if you’re sitting for most of the day. Be sure to stand up and stretch at least every hour. Your body needs the mental and physical time-out.
  5. Stay hydrated by drinking between six and eight glasses of water a day. It will also help reduce cravings for unhealthy food.
  6. Beat stress and anxiety by exercising regularly. Try walking or running outside or any home-based workout – YouTube is a great source for home workout videos.
  7. Quit smoking and limit your alcohol intake.
  8. End your day with a good night’s sleep. Healthy sleeping habits promote good sleep that is needed to maintain strong immunity.

Her advice to those who experience mind cold and flu symptoms, is to treat them with over-the-counter pain relievers that will help reduce a fever, sore throat and headache. “Antihistamines and decongestant nasal sprays will also reduce nasal congestion, while cough syrups will help to break up phlegm.”

She concludes with the following advice: “Drink plenty of fluids and get enough rest. The healthier you are and the better you take care of your immune system, the less likely you are to fall ill.”

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