What advice would you give to someone 20 years younger than you?

Review asked readers what advice they would give to someone 20 years younger?

POLOKWANE – With age comes wisdom and you are less likely to make the same mistakes you did 20 years ago. For Youth Day this year, Review asked some of our readers what advice they would give to someone who is 20 years younger than them.

Mariza Pelser: With everything I’ve done over the last few years, I’ve realised everything happens with a purpose. Learn to accept all experiences, good and bad and see it as a learning school. You learn from your mistakes. Listen to the voice in your head, and if something doesn’t feel right, move away. You are allowed to say no. You may be your own self, don’t get into other people’s box of perfection. Each person is unique and it makes you much happier to know yourself.


Matladi Maila: Equip yourself with knowledge. Do not limit yourself to what you are taught at school. Extend your wings and fly high because if you limit yourself you’ll never know your full potential. Remember this: “To enjoy your life while you are still young does not mean that you destroy it.” Do enjoy it but take responsibility for every action, so make the right choices that will benefit you. Someone might say it is selfish but honestly, your life and peace is in your hands. Lastly, your parents’ fortune is not yours, shy away from a mind of privilege because you’ll feel entitled to everything. Write your own legacy; a legacy that you will one day be proud to claim among your peers.


Lylani Seitz: The choices you make today will affect your tomorrow. Before you make a choice, think about how it would affect the rest of your life. In a positive way or a negative way. Take a few minutes and think it through.


Karina Botha: My advice to my 12-year-old self would be to dream, work hard and play. You are a child, make the most of what you can. Trust your parents. Say if something bothers. Say no if you are uncomfortable, you are allowed to. Ask questions and learn to be independent. Give hugs, listen to music and spend time in nature.


Rita van Jaarsveld: Enjoy your youth as much as possible. Don’t give up your dreams and life for anyone. Make your dreams come true before you give up. Giving up is not an option. Don’t be a ‘people pleaser’. Your smallest dreams can become a reality.


Sandy Pitsi: You should be in the summer of your life, bearing fruit and showing dominant qualities. While socialising and being part of a group, never forget that you are you. Don’t take your existence for granted. Death is for all, it is only when and how which are unknown. Die to futile exercises and rise up to constructive endeavours. “Carpe diem” Be one of substance. Strive to leave a good mark on everyone you meet and in everything you do. It might not seem to matter now, but it counts in the long journey of life. Bon voyage.


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