Growing Together: Youths reflect on priorities

This year's Youth Month activities are premised on four pillars: education, economy, entrepreneurship; and sport and creative arts.

POLOKWANE – Premier Chupu Mathabata this year commemorates Youth Day 2020 under the theme ‘Youth Power: Growing South Africa together in the period of Covid-19’.

In his address, Mathabatha says the youth is edged to provide pivotal support to elders by following the rules and regulations set out to stop the spread of the virus.

This year’s Youth Month activities are premised on four thematic pillars: education, economy, entrepreneurship; and sport and creative arts. With these in mind, Review asked the youth which pillar they value most.

Dolly Makhumisani – “At the point we are at, education is most important because I feel it can provide a base for the other three. As a nation and province we should encourage education among other things. This is because education is the key to success.”
Donald Kaletsane – “I feel that the sport, arts and culture sector is most affected, especially on provincial level. The other sectors have all been opened up, except this sector. As much as the department has offered social relief for the players and coaches, there are still unknown and unregistered artists who have been competing in the field, but do not qualify for social relief. I also feel that this sector will probably be the last to open.”
Delney Demana – “Because of Covid-19, the economy suffers the most. Even if the academic year was postponed to 2021, it could still be salvaged but with our economy it is going to be difficult to get it where it was. This is also because as a country, we were going through a recession just before the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. If you look at the other two pillars mentioned by Mathabatha, you will note that they cannot run without the economy.”
Mahlaste Kgomommu – “I think education has to be number one as it teaches people how to participate in the various sectors. This, however, does not mean I agree with the phased opening of schools. I think that was a mistake and the schools should have still been closed. I do, however, understand why they did it.”

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