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Learning and teaching: a new set of school rules

Teachers in the city say they have adapted to the new rules as learners returned to school this week.

POLOKWANE – Not only have learners had to adapt to new rules in the classroom, but teachers have also had to change the way they conduct lessons and help learners feel comfortable amid a long list of rules and regulations. Review spoke to both primary and high school teachers on how they are coping with the measures put in place now that they are teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Danlizelle Bekker, a teacher at Jabez Christian Academy:  I am adapting fairly well, to my own surprise. I have sanitiser in class which I spray frequently. Learners are very disciplined when it comes to sanitising their hands. I enjoy being back at school as I feel like I have meaning again. Learners are doing well with social distancing as I think they are already aware of what it is and how it should be done. They are aware of the dangers and are therefore cautious.

Beauty Matewe, high school teacher at Northern Academy:  I personally sanitise learners as they enter and exit the classroom. We constantly remind them of regulations especially during registration in the mornings. Our teaching has gone paperless and there are no handouts or collection of books. Some learners get carried away and remove their masks, especially when they want to say something, but we quickly remind them that they still have to talk with their masks on.

Heather Swallow, primary school teacher at Mitchell House: Our junior phase has worked very hard to get ready for our children to come back to school safely. We have implemented a number of routines that will empower the learners to look after themselves and take responsibility for their own safety. We are working with a superhero theme and the children have the option of wearing a superhero cape over their uniform. Superpowers for facing challenging times. This is such a vital time for both the learners to learn, face to face, and for teachers to be able to assess each child on what work they have managed to grasp. These are interesting and challenging times, but we feel that our Junior Phase is ready to accept our beautiful children back into a safe and well protected environment, where learning can happily take place without fear.

Amanda Saville, primary phase teacher and HOD at Bet-Shalom Christian School: Being in a “Covid-19 friendly” classroom is definitely a huge adjustment for myself, personally as an educator. It’s not easy trying to maintain a social distance when assisting a learner who is struggling to grasp a concept. We have taught our learners the Six Golden Rules which cover everything from the wearing of masks to the washing of hands. They have adjusted surprisingly well in the classroom environment. We have to obviously constantly remind them to keep their social distance especially during break but there are many teachers on duty to ensure that they are following the golden rules outside of the classroom as well.

Freda Niemann, high school teacher at Northern Academy:  With regard to teaching, I’m still giving classes online. It’s going to be quite a challenge I believe, because we will not be able to read the learners’ facial expressions and it will be challenging for the learners too. I will not be able to tell if a learner does not understand or not because as teachers, we usually read the learners’ facial expressions to see if they understand or not. I’ll try my level best to give them my full attention individually. With regard to safety protocol when we do get back to school, we’re going to make sure that the learners’ hands are sanitised, face masks must be worn properly every day, covering the nose and mouth, making sure that they’re safe, and that social distancing is practised too. I’m committed to teaching and keeping them safe and healthy. Learners are my first priority. My motto in life is: Keep healthy, stay healthy, lives matter. Our school has a good policy in place and is very up to par with the Covid-19 requirements. We’re very strict on that and we’re ready for classes to resume soon, with safety precautions of course.”


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