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The best ways to feed your flu

Six tips to eating healthy this winter

Six tips to eating healthy this winter

• Fluids, fluids, fluids – Keeping yourself well hydrated is especially important if you have a fever. That old mother’s tale of treating flu with a warm chicken broth is spot on.

• Vitamin C – Vitamin C can reduce the duration of your cold, but don’t overdo it. Supplementing with more than 1000mg a day can result in more side-effects than benefits in many people. The most common side-effect being diarrhoea. Good sources of vitamin C: strawberries, citrus (oranges, naartjies), kiwi fruit, tomatoes, broccoli or dark green veggies and peppers.

• Yoghurt and fibre – Keep your gut healthy by eating plenty of probiotic rich yoghurt and good, healthy fibre.

• Hold the sugar – your blood sugar levels are often naturally higher when you’re sick, so adding additional sugar in the form of cool-drinks and sweet treats to an already over-loaded system is not a good idea.

• More vitamins – Eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene and zinc. These are vital components of a strong immune system.

Good sources of vitamin E: nuts, seeds, plant oils and fish. Good sources of beta-carotene: sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables and carrots. Good sources of zinc: meat, fish, poultry, nuts and beans. Think warm, winter stews – and don’t forget the garlic!

• Winter supplements – Although long-term supplementation with vitamins and minerals is not always a good idea, it might be beneficial to supplement with a low-dose multivitamin for a few months over the winter season, especially if you’re exposed to germs on a regular basis (for example, if you work in an open plan office or have small children at school or crèche).

Avoid getting caught this season and arm yourself with a strong immune system and enjoy the positive side of winter.

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