Minister urges citizens to report corrupt officials

For efficient resolution, courts will prioritise Covid-19 related corruption matters, the minister said.

Defense Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula on Thursday announced directives relating to the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) cluster, which will apply under lockdown level three as of 1 June.


In terms of the administration of justice, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development will prioritise urgent cases relating to corruption, sexual offences, gender-based violence and femicide, serious violent crimes, robbery, murder, assault and the violation of Covid-19 regulations, for speedy resolution.  Where appropriate, courts will use audio-visual communication, such as teleconferencing and videoconferencing to conclude urgent cases. All cases which are not urgent will be postponed.

Access to courts, as in level four, will be limited to immediate complainants and judicial officers. All those entering the premises will be subjected to temperature screening and will be required to sanitize their hands and wear masks.

Covid-19-related corruption

The minister said that during the lockdown, the cluster had received several allegations relating to the corruption of Covid-19 relief efforts earmarked for poor communities. She said that law enforcement officials have established an interim structure that will address these allegations to ensure that those who are charged, face prosecution.

“There is a specific focus on Covid-19 related corruption matters in the courts for efficient resolution and these are listed as a priority, along with urgent cases including domestic violence and others that the courts may consider to be in the interest of justice to address speedily.”

Misconduct by enforcement officials

The minister appealed to the public to report any misconduct on the part of law enforcement officials. Should the public witness or experience any form of torture, cruelty, inhumane and/or degrading treatment and/or punishment, committed by law enforcement members including poor service delivery regarding police response, investigations and police negligence, report such at the nearest police station, at the National Service Complaints Centre on the toll-free number 0800 333 177, or the following email addresses: or

Complaints centre to deal with reports of police brutality

Visits to correctional centres, holding cells

Visits by members of the public to correctional centres, detention facilities, police holding cells as well as military detention facilities will remain prohibited, except to the extent and manner as directed by the responsible cabinet member, the minister concluded.

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